Barabbas, du förtappade – Discussions on Existentialism (Vinile rosso trasparente)


Barabbas, du förtappade release their debut full length record Discussions on Existentialism. The record makes clear nods to the influences found on the band’s earlier outputs – debut EP Discourse (2017) and split release with German Кальк (Kalk) (2020). However, Discussions on Existentialism also show the band’s progress, involving more complex melodies and songwriting while retaining the recurrent bursts of emoviolence found in previous releases.

The lyrics on this record expanded from the regular use of English to featuring songs in Swedish and Russian. Discussions on Existentialism contains themes of alienation in cities of capitalism, death, political apathy and exhausting communications and relationships. The music matches the screamed and often high pitched vocals by being rooted in screamo, emoviolence, post-rock and noise rock.


released January 27, 2023

On this record, Barabbas, du förtappade are Cesar (drums), Francisco (guitar), Marta (bass) and Seva (vocals, bass).
The record was recorded by Jerker Österlind and Daniel Noring at Hermitage Studios in Stockholm, Sweden during December 2021.
It was mixed and mastered by Steve Roche at Permanent Hearing Damage studio (Off Minor, Neil Perry, Massa Nera, Capacities).
All songs written and performed by Barabbas, du förtappade.
Art and layout by Alex Mages

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